Street resurfacing is performed by in-house staff and contracted. Resurfacing is primarily performed on streets which have been previously resurfaced or are currently seal coated with curbing in place. Candidates for resurfacing are those streets that have deteriorated to a point where the preventative maintenance joint and crack sealing, fog sealing and micro-surfacing techniques are no longer effective. The process of resurfacing entails four primary operations: removing and replacing the curb as necessary, roto-milling to remove the existing asphalt, full depth patching any underlying problems, laying the new asphalt, and raising castings. Work under this program is prioritized based on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) from the City’s Pavement Management System, traffic volume/load, bus/snow routes, location to schools or other institutions and customer requests. Street Maintenance crews resurface areas smaller than one city block; all other areas are contracted for repair.