Most questions can be answered with information on this website or by using the instructions on the back of the citation.
Who is responsible for an Automated Traffic Enforcement system citation?
The owner of the vehicle is responsible for the citation. The owner of the vehicle is defined as the person who holds the legal title to a motor vehicle. If there is a loan on the vehicle and the bank holds the title, the registered owner is responsible. If the motor vehicle is leased, the lessee is responsible for the citation.
What options are available to submit payment for an ATE citation?
There are two ways to pay a citation:
- Online payments can be made at (Enter city code: DVNPRT) or:
- Make Check or Money Order payable to “Davenport Photo Enforcement Program” and mail to "DAVENPORT PHOTO ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM PAYMENT CENTER" at PO BOX 76721 CLEVELAND OH 44101-6500. Ensure the citation number is included on the note line of a check or money order. The Davenport Police Department does not take payment at the station.
What if I was not driving the vehicle when the violation was issued?
The vehicle owner who receives a citation may appeal the violation through the Davenport Police Department. The owner must provide “clear and convincing evidence” that the vehicle owner was not operating the motor vehicle at the time of the violation. As part of the appeal, the owner must also provide the name and address of the person who was operating the motor vehicle at the time of the violation.
Who approves a citation before it is issued?
All violations are reviewed and approved by certified police department employees prior to the issuance of any citation.
Do violations received through the ATE program go on my driving record?
No. ATE citations are considered civil penalties and state law explicitly prohibits citations from being applied to a person’s driving record. They also can’t be used by insurance companies for purposes of automobile insurance rates.
Can I negotiate the amount owed for a citation to a lesser amount?
No. The fine amount is defined by the municipal code and is non-negotiable.
Does the City utilize a collection process for unpaid citations?
Yes, the city uses a debt collection service to collect unpaid citations. The City can also pursue unpaid citations by seeking judgement through issuance of municipal infractions.
I have lost my citation; how can I pay it?
Please contact the Police Department at or call 563 888-3675.
What are valid reasons why a violation could be dismissed?
The following lists some reasons that a citation may be dismissed but is not all inclusive:
- The violation occurred after the vehicle was officially reported stolen and not yet recovered.
- The vehicle operator was issued a uniform traffic citation for the violation at issue pursuant to Davenport Municipal Code.
- The violation occurred by an authorized emergency vehicle and/or otherwise was conducting official business.
- The vehicle in question entered the intersection to yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle.
- The vehicle in question was lawfully participating in a funeral procession.
- Violation video is unclear due to weather, obstruction, or poor image quality to such extent that rejection of the detected violation is warranted.