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Airfield Data

Davenport Municipal Airport Diagram

Davenport Municipal Airport (DVN)
9230 Harrison Street, Davenport, IA 52806


  • 7 miles (11km) North of Downtown Davenport, Directions
  • LAT 41-36-37.983 LONG 90-35-18.069 ELEVATION 753
  • Airport Manager: Thomas Vesalga, 563.326.7783
  • Fixed Base Operator: Carver Aero, 563.391.5650
  • Attended: Yes
  • Months/Days/Hours: All, 0700 to Dusk
  • Fuel: 100LL, Jet A
  • Rotating Beacon: Yes

Download, View or Print KDVN 5010 Airport Master Record

Runway Surface   Width Length   Runway Lights
 03/21 Concrete 100 4001 MIRL
 15/33 Concrete 100 5511  MIRL
 *RWY 15 designated calm wind RWY remote communication outlet (RCO) 122.5. For field office contact Carver Aero at 563.391.5650.


 REIL / REIL VASI (V4L) / VASI (V4L)  1000 AGL / 1000 AGL
 MALSR / REIL VASI (V4L) / VASI (V4L)  1000 AGL / 1000 AGL 


 123.0  123.0  123.0      125.95 (MLI)  120.175
118.35 (MLI) 


 VOR CVA  113.8   215 7.6


Airport Weather

Picture of a windsock at the airportAviation Digital Data Service

Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) 563.388.2145 or Frequency 120.175

Airport Hangars

Picture of Hangar located at Davenport Municipal AirportThe Davenport Municipal Airport hosts 78 Aircraft T-hangars, 6 Box Style Hangars and 2 Executive Style Aircraft Box Hangars. Contact the Airport Manager at 563.326.7783 for more information on hangar rental and availability.

T-Hangar Types and Lease Rates

Our Fixed Base Operator, Carver Aero, also maintains 3 Large Aircraft Box Hangars. Please contact Carver Aero at 563.391.5650 if interested.

Economic Impact

Davenport Municipal Airport is recognized as one of the few Enhanced Service Airports in the State of Iowa and continues to rank highest among all Iowa General Aviation Airports in economic impact to the community per the Iowa Department of Transportation.  The following is an excerpt from the most recent economic study performed by the Iowa Department of Transportation. 

Picture of chart from Iowa Aviation Economic Development Report

Click here to view the full report on the
Economic Impact of the Davenport Municipal Airport.

Business and Industry Parks located near the Davenport Municipal Airport:

Other Useful Links to Economic Development in Davenport:

About Davenport Municipal Airport

The City of Davenport owns and operates the Davenport Municipal Airport. The airport provides a wide variety of services and activities to the community.  You can learn to fly, take a sight-seeing tour, charter a private aircraft, or just bring the family out to watch a plane or helicopter take-off.

Our airport is recognized as one of the few enhanced service airports in the state of Iowa and continues to provide the most economic impact to the community out of all Iowa General Aviation airports.

We are fortunate to be served by a full service Fixed Base Operator, that provides corporate aircraft management, charter services, air ambulance, air freight, flight training, aircraft rental, and aerial photography.  The City also leases aircraft T-hangars and provides access to self-serve fuel.

Davenport Municipal Airport is also home to the Iowa Air National GuardExperimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 75Civil Air Patrol, the Quad City Air ShowRevv Aviation, and the National Weather Service

Our Mission

The mission of the Davenport Municipal Airport is to serve as the aviation gateway to Eastern Iowa, Davenport and the greater Quad City area and continually seeks to provide quality cargo and visitor facilities for its general aviation and business customers.  The airport also recognizes its role as an integral asset in the growth and support of our local and regional economies and pledges to fully cooperate and assist in the economic development of the region.

Picture of sign indicating the history of Cram FieldHistory

Davenport's first Municipal Airport was built in 1928 and was located near Division Street at Duck Creek. "Cram Field", as it was known at that time, was later closed in 1949. The current Davenport Municipal Airport was built and located closer to interstate access at 9230 Harrison Street in 1948.

For more information visit Paul Freeman's Airport History Site on Abandoned and Little Known Airfields. The site provides information on a 2nd Airfield that was once located in Bettendorf, yet known to many as Davenport Airport. The services provided at the location by Agonair Service were relocated to our 9230 Harrison Street site in the 1963 and the Bettendorf (Davenport) Airport was abandoned for residential development.

If you have stories or more information on the history of Davenport Municipal Airport we would love to hear them. Please contact the Airport Manager at 563.326.7783.


1200 E 46th St
Davenport, IA 52807