The Davenport Compost Facility produces award winning soil amendments. Whatever your project we have a product that will fit your lawn and garden needs!

Garden Soil is an engineered product containing a blend of our Earth CycleTM Compost, Organic Potting Soil, and Sand. This product is great for immediate planting. Use in raised gardens, flower beds and pots.
Our Garden Soil product is available in one-cubic foot bags at the Compost Facility and is priced at $4.00 per bag. Bulk quantities are also available for pickup or delivery. The cost is $11 per 1/2 cubic yard or $22 per cubic yard.
Organic Potting Soil is high in organic matter and water holding capacity and is great for flower pots, beds and gardens.
It is available in one-cubic foot bags at the Compost Facility and is priced at $3.00 per bag. Bulk quantities are also available for pickup or delivery. The cost per cubic yard is $20.
Earth CycleTM 100% Compost Soil Builder is a high-quality compost that can be incorporated to improve soil condition, as a top dressing for existing turf or as a surface mulch. Soil Builder contains 100% compost, has no added soil, sand or fillers and is an excellent soil amendment.
This product is available in one-cubic foot bags at the Compost Facility and local retailers and in bulk at the facility. One-cubic foot bags are $2.00 per bag at the Compost Facility, price may vary at retailers. Bulk materials can be picked up at the Compost Facility or delivered. The price per unit for bulk is: $12 per cubic yard for 1 to 10 cubic yards, $8 per cubic yard for 11 to 500 cubic yards and $6 per cubic yard for 501+ cubic yards. See the Delivery Options tab below for details on delivery fees and service area.
Mulch types produced at the facility include natural shredded and chipped wood mulch. These products are made from branches and logs received at the facility. Mulch produced is free of stains and dyes and can be used for all of your landscaping projects.
Shredded Wood Mulch, $18.00/Cubic Yard, Subject to Availability
Chipped Wood Mulch, $15.00/Cubic Yard, Subject to Availability. Chipped wood mulch is predominantly 1 to 3 inches in size, paper mill quality and produced primarily from red and white oak.
Fire Wood. The Davenport Compost Facility has pest free firewood available for pickup year round, while supplies last. Firewood is $1 per square foot. The minimum purchase is four (4) square feet.
Questions? Contact us at 563.328.7225 or send us a request for information.