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Flood Risk Reduction

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance for elevation and other flood mitigation is often only available following events that rise to the level of disaster declaration. However, some opportunities periodically become available, and the City is also actively working to develop an assistance program.

Use this link to let us know your interest in potential assistance and/or flood risk reduction programs. This will assist us in reaching out to you when opportunities become available.

Floodplain management ordinances are in place to help prevent, to the extent possible, flood hazards including property damage and loss. There are measures property owners can also take to help mitigate loss whether the property is located inside or outside of a floodplain.

  • Install a sewer check valve to prevent sewer backup.
  • Locate electrical panels and appliances to areas that do not receive floodwaters or install interior flood walls to protect furnaces and appliances.
  • Know where the shut-off is for gas, electrical and water supplies.
  • Elevate the building or relocate out of the floodway when possible.

If you have experienced flooding and you hold flood insurance, the Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) portion of your flood insurance policy is there to assist in flood proofing measures such as elevating your home or relocating out of the flood plain. Contact your insurance provider for more information.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has also produced a number of useful resources.