By Saturday morning, July 22, the intersection of Central Park and Hickory Grove Rd will re-open to all travel directions. The signals may initially be in flashing and should be treated as a 4-way stop if the condition is present. All signal programming will be complete by early the following week. Watch for periodic lane reductions as finish work is completed over the next few weeks.
Lincoln and W Central Park have re-opened using a three-way stop; however, the Central Park and Hickory Grove Rd intersection remains partially closed for public safety. The intersection will be re-opened once the new traffic signal can be installed.
Hickory Grove Rd at Central Park will be a bit more congested on Wednesday, June 14, as travel will be down to one alternating lane with a flagger while cement is poured. On June 15, the area will return to one lane in each direction. Sidewalks, striping, utility and traffic signal, and other finish work will continue through the end of the month. The full intersection improvement is estimated to be complete by late June/early July.
Beginning Wednesday, April 26, traffic control will change on Central Park and Hickory Grove Rd. Work will transition to the west side of Central Park closing the intersection of Central Park and Lincoln. Follow the signed detour or take an alternate route to avoid delays. The full intersection improvement is estimated to be complete by mid-June.
Northbound Hickory Grove Rd at Central Park is tentatively scheduled for a one-day closure on Wednesday, March 15, for water main relocation as part of the overall intersection improvement project. Seek an alternate route. Observe the message boards posted next week.
Construction will resume at the Central Park and Hickory Grove Rd intersection beginning late Sunday, March 5. Reconstruction and utility improvements will close westbound travel on Central Park at Hickory Grove Rd, eastbound Central Park will be rerouted at Hickory Grove Rd, and Hickory Grove Rd will be reduced to one lane in each direction when construction begins. Motorists are encouraged to follow the signed detour to avoid backups and travel delays. This phase of the work is expected to be complete mid-to-late April. Once complete, reroutes of Central Park will change as the work zone moves to Central Park between Hickory Grove Rd and Lincoln. All work is estimated to be complete by early-to-mid June pending weather and subsurface conditions.
W Central Park between Cedar and Hickory Grove Rd has fully re-opened. Watch for periodic lane reductions as utility pole work is done in the coming weeks. You may also see periodic lane reductions in the areas adjacent to the Central Park and Hickory Grove Rd intersection, as temperatures allow, through the winter for prep work on the remaining segments. Work on other phases will resume in the Spring.
Central Park is expected to be closed between Hickory Grove Rd and Mississippi Ave on Wednesday, November 9 for concrete pouring.
Things are moving along on W Central Park between Hickory Grove Rd and Cedar! Utility improvements and work to reconstruct the two eastbound lanes are expected to be complete by mid-week next week. Watch for transitioning traffic control as work flips to the westbound lanes. Reconstruction and utility work is estimated to be finished by mid-to-late November.
Pending weather, W Central Park will be closed between Hickory Grove Rd and Cedar St on Tuesday, October 18, through sometime Wednesday, October 19, to repave the two eastbound lanes in the area. Once re-opened, limited short-term lane reductions are expected into the winter as utility and prep work for spring construction will continue. Use Locust or Lombard and Division or Lincoln for east/west connectivity during the closure.
A multi-phased project to reconstruct the Central Park between Cedar and Lincoln, and Hickory Grove Rd from Pine south through the intersection is set to begin September 19. This year, work will begin in the eastbound lanes of Central Park between the intersection and Cedar St. One lane of travel will be maintained in each direction on the north side of the road during this phase. Reconstruction will involve multiple utility updates and is estimated to be complete by mid-November. Remaining phases of the project will begin in the spring of 2023.