Our partners at the National Weather Service issued the first of three Spring Flood Outlook Briefings on February 13. As an early indicator of the types and depth of preparation needed, the City was pleased to learn that the chance of flooding this spring is below normal. With current chances of exceeding minor flood stage of 15 FT at 10 to 25% in early April, the City and riverfront community may get a breather from the hazard and inconvenience high river levels bring.
Although chances are below normal, we know things can change quickly. As a resilient community, we will continue monitoring the forecast and prepare for river stages of 13 to 16 FT by performing preventive maintenance on flood systems and ensuring all equipment and resources are at the ready until the potential threat of flooding passes.
With this announcement, we also draw attention to an upcoming Quad City Community Flood Preparedness Workshop being held on March 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Modern Woodmen Park. We encourage all property owners and business managers in the floodplain to stop by to learn more about reducing their flood risk and improving preparedness. The workshop is an excellent opportunity to connect one-on-one with staff and other resources such as the Iowa Department of Insurance. Several flood defense system vendors will be on-site, and the Corps of Engineers will have demonstrations on how to properly fill and place sandbags. Find details at www.riveraction.org/workshop.
Watch for updates as the National Weather Service releases its next flood forecast on February 27.
Always find information about current conditions and city response at www.beprepareddavenport.com.