Davenport PARK improvement PROJECTS
Using Capital Improvement Project funds and/or general operating budget funds, Parks and Recreation staff are always working to improve and upgrade play structures, amenities, and activities within Davenport parks.
Updates as of March '25 (for updates about ARPA funded projects - scroll down)
- Credit Island Nature Preserve & Park | Nature-based play area
- Installation is just about complete. Projected opening late-Spring.
- Dillon fountain | Electrical upgrades
- Project to raise electrical fixtures out of the flood plain. In progress, work has begun.
- Vander Veer Botanical Park | Stone Bridge Flowerbed Expansion & Fully Accessible Wheelchair Swing
- Stone Bridge: Design is in development for an expansion of flowerbeds. Irrigation and power for lighting has been installed. Phase 2 planning in progress.
- Multiple Parks TBD | Community Bike Racks
- This project is in partnership with West High School's Welding Program to create 10 new custom community bike racks. Installation complete at The River's Edge, Sunderbruch Park, Lower Lindsay Park, Lindsay Park (2 locations), Garfield Park and Junge Park. Upcoming installation at River Heritage Park, Fejervary Learning Center, and Veteran's Memorial Park.