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DREAM Project

Through The Davenport DREAM Project, funding is available to turn your dream into a reality.

Would a new fence, siding or a coat of paint turn your house into a home? Could a financial grant give you the power to build your dream home? The Davenport DREAM Project can help current and future homeowners and DIY-ers build vibrant spaces within the City of Davenport, all while engaging and building a more connected community.

The Davenport DREAM Project is a neighborhood restoration project that hopes to inspire a renewed interest in the unique architecture and character found in the City of Davenport’s heritage neighborhoods. We know that the restoration of one home leads to the rebuilding and engagement of an entire community.  Download the Davenport DREAM Project Overview here. 

*For the Davenport DREAM Project, a new homeowner is someone who closed within the last 45 business days.

Davenport DREAM Neighborhood Map
New Homeowner Assistance

Participants purchasing a home in a Davenport DREAM Project neighborhood will be eligible for a grant of approximately $20,000, forgiven over five years. The property must be owner-occupied during this period. The grant can be used for any improvements made to the property. City funds will assist with needed exterior improvements first, and then remaining funds can be used towards interior improvements. Applications will be accepted on a rolling, first-come, first-served basis.

Existing Homeowner Assistance

Participants rehabilitating a home in a Davenport DREAM Project neighborhood will be eligible for a grant of approximately $20,000, forgiven over five years. The property must be owner-occupied during this period. The grant can be used for façade improvements to the property. 

Applications will be accepted from: dates to be determined* and are evaluated on a competitive basis. Applications will be reviewed and scored using a priority matrix that gives preference to exterior façade improvements and outstanding code violations. Applicants must address existing code violations in their scope of work. Applicants may not apply to use funds solely for roof replacement, but may include roof replacement in a larger façade project. 

*Or until funding has been allocated.

Process Details

The City of Davenport’s Community and Economic Development (CED) staff will be administering The Davenport DREAM Project, and will provide assistance for residents who would like to apply for the program. If needed, a Rehabilitation Specialist will meet the resident at their property to understand the scope of the project and identify any other property needs prior to completing the application. More information may be required after submittal of the application.

Once a project has been approved, the Rehabilitation Specialists will assist the resident in receiving a minimum of two quotes from licensed contractors to complete the work. The resident will then chose their contractor and payments will be made directly to the contractor after the work has been completed. If a resident chooses to complete their own work, they will be reimbursed after the work has been completed and inspected. 

Application Requirements

To qualify for a Davenport DREAM Project grant, applicants must provide proof of current homeowners insurance. The property, or any other property owned by the applicant within the City of Davenport, must have no outstanding liens. Contract owners are not eligible to apply. 

Developers may be eligible for assistance for the rehabilitation of a property if the property is maintained as owner-occupied after the sale of the property.

Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988
The City of Davenport Community Planning & Economic Development does business in accordance with Federal Fair Housing Laws. It is illegal to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, familial status or national origin.

In the City of Davenport, you may not be denied housing because of your race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, familial status, national origin, creed, age, gender identity or disability.

In addition, persons are prohibited from threatening, coercing, intimidating or interfering with a person who is exercising, or helping someone exercise, any fair housing rights provided in fair housing laws.

Interpretive services are available at no charge.
Servicios interpretativos libres estan disponibles.

If you need accommodations for any reason, please contact our office.