Each year the City receives two primary community development grants from the federal government:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), approximately $1 Million per year
- HOME Investment Partnership, approximately $300,000 per year
These funds are for activities benefiting low and moderate income residents and are restricted to uses that meet federal regulations in the areas of affordable housing, community development, and economic development.
City staff is responsible for completing the plans, studies, and reports required by the federal programs, as well as providing oversight and monitoring of entities receiving federal funds.
Eligible applicants for CDBG include City departments and nonprofit 501(c)3 agencies that deliver eligible activities to Davenport residents. More information about eligibility is available here: National Objectives, Subrecipients Handbook. To apply for funds, applicants must attend a workshop where the CDBG program is explained and applications are distributed. The workshop is typically scheduled in late November or early December each year. The Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC Board Page) makes funding recommendations for CDBG to the City Council, which has final approval. Agencies interested in receiving information about the workshop should contact CED at 326-7765 or [email protected]
Eligible applicants for HOME are for-profit and non-profit affordable housing developers with documented experience, capacity, and financial resources to complete projects in a timely manner and in compliance with all applicable regulations. CED staff oversees the application, construction, and compliance process for HOME funds. HOME funds are awarded to affordable housing activities on a project by project basis. Consideration by the City Council may be required based on the size and/or cost of the affordable housing development being proposed. Developers interested in receiving information about the HOME program CED at 326-7765 or [email protected]
Grant Documentation
Each year, the City must submit an Annual Action Plan describing the proposed use of federal funds and a Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) describing the use of and beneficiaries of federal funding. Regulations require that the most recent five years of these documents be available to the public, as well as any draft plans or CAPERs for the current year. These documents are available below. Copies are also available for public review at Davenport City Hall and at the Davenport Library (Main and Branch locations). A limited number of free paper copies are available on a first come, first served, basis. Alternative formats for those with disabilities will be made available upon request. Interpretive services are available at no charge. Servicios interpretativos libres estan disponibles.
Other grant documents: