We are closing the book on Chapter 1 of the flood study and opening Chapter 2: Concepts for Alternative Land Use, Mitigation, and Flood Operations. With data collection, public input, analysis, and visioning complete, Davenport is ready for the community’s feedback on possible actions that will make our City more resilient to floods.
Whether individuals live in or outside of the Mississippi River floodplain, the community’s feedback is important in this second phase of the study. Residents, businesses, students, and visitors can participate by taking the online survey at www.davenportiowa.com/floodstudy. There is a video presentation covering conceptual plans. Options presented range from baseline modifications that improve the City’s overall resilience and operational efficiency at Lock and Dam 15 river stage 18 feet to a river stage of 24 feet.
The presentation also highlights Davenport’s experience at various river stages 18 feet and above and cover concepts most are unfamiliar with, such as the 100-year flood elevation and what it takes to meet FEMA-certified mitigation requirements if certification were pursued. “As a point of reference, the City’s record flood of 22.7 feet did not reach the 100-year flood elevation level of 23.6 feet,” said Clay Merritt, Assistant Public Works Director.
Cost estimates for operational efficiencies in response to river levels of 18 feet and incremental costs for mitigation to higher river levels are included in the presentation to ensure the public is informed about the costs involved with various choices.
Merritt said, “It is important to know there is a wide range of costs based on the type of activity. While grants and other funding sources will be pursued when the opportunity exists, the higher the price tag, the longer implementation will generally take.”
When referring to the presentation on flood operation alternatives, Merritt mentioned, “Our consultants have done a great job of taking complex concepts and boiling them down to a friendlier product for public consumption and feedback. Because of the approach used in this phase, we are also able to offer a variety of ways for stakeholders and the public to participate.”
Merritt added, “Meetings with stakeholders, neighborhood leaders, and organizations whose mission it is to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community are being held. We expect that these leaders will not only provide valuable input but help us reach out to the broader community for feedback.”
The general public is invited to participate in the following ways:
- Visit www.davenportiowa.com/floodstudy. Watch the video overview of conceptual plans and then take the survey.
- Watch the program on TV. The public can pick up a paper copy of the survey at any of our Davenport libraries and tune in to watch a program covering the conceptual plans on free local cable access and public broadcasting channels. Once the survey is complete, the individual just needs to drop it in a local library book drop or mail it to Davenport Public Works at 1200 E 46th St by April 30. The paper copy of the survey will also be available online for download and completion using this method. The program will air as follows:
- Mediacom Public Access Channel 11/97-21 | Thursday, April 22, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday, April 24, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Monday, April 26, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and Tuesday, April 27, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- WQPT-TV Channel 24.1 at 8:00 p.m., Thursday, April 29. Tune in early to Jim Mertens show "The Cities" to hear from staff before taking the survey.
Davenport looks forward to hearing the community’s feedback on the conceptual ideas presented.