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What to Know - November 3 Cycle

What to Know - November 3 Cycle
Posted on 11/02/2021
What to know - November 3 Council Cycle

November 2, 2021 – Council will consider awarding the contract for the Goose Creek Shared Use Trail from 53rd Street to 59th and Brady to Midwest Concrete, Inc of Peosta, Iowa. The project will extend the trail from south of 53rd Street northward along Goose Creek to the Brady Street Frontage Road at 59th Street. From the northerly end it will connect to the planned Veterans Memorial Parkway Trail extension. The project has received a federal aid grant from Iowa’s Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) in the amount of $1,138,000, which will reimburse the City for 80% of eligible costs or a maximum of the grant amount.

The Transit Division is seeking Council authorization to submit a grant application to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to add four battery powered electric buses to its fleet. The City is looking to replace current diesel buses to lower emissions and provide a healthier environment for the community. The total cost of the project is up to $5,325,654 with the grant amount request up to $4,492,543. MidAmerican Energy has committed $160,000 if there is a successful grant award, and there is optimism that other local stakeholders will contribute monetary donations.

The Public Hearing and Resolution making provisions for the upcoming bond sale that will be used to fund a variety of capital projects in the FY 2022 Capital Improvement Program will come before City Council this cycle. This is the first step in the upcoming bond issuance which will most likely occur in February.