We’re dedicated to continuous improvement of our city’s transportation network. Considering the complexity of pavement conditions and types, the City’s Street Repair, Rehabilitation and Maintenance programs vary. To help those who live in and visit Davenport, the City utilizes a strategic and thoughtful approach to city street improvements.
Sources such as Road Use Tax, Local Options Sales Tax and General Obligation Bonds help fund these projects. A portion of available funds is dedicated to year-round preventive maintenance activities to extend the life of paved surfaces; remaining available funds are used to repair and rehabilitate roads.
Preventive maintenance preserve the City’s street network and reduce future costly, time-consuming rehabilitation and reconstruction projects associated with traffic disruptions. It’s all about improving safety and mobility and reducing congestion for those traveling in Davenport. Preventive treatment depends on the age, volume of traffic, condition of the pavement and available funding.
Did you know, on average, the city fills 60,00 to 70,000 potholes each year to help smooth paved surfaces for the benefit of the traveling public and their vehicles? These repairs are prioritized based on severity, street classification and requests for service.
With 1,286 lane miles of streets in the city, citizens can help us improve our paved surfaces by turning potholes in for repair. To turn a pothole in, all you need to do is call us at 563.326.7923 or submit a request for service electronically.