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Smoke Testing Sanitary Sewer Silver Creek Area

Smoke Testing Sanitary Sewer Lines in the Silver Creek Area
Posted on 09/06/2024
Smoke Testing Sanitary Sewer Lines in the Silver Creek Area

In July, the City performed smoke testing of the sanitary sewer lines in the Silver Creek area. As a result of smoke testing a variety of maintenance and improvement needs were identified. In follow-up, the City has contracted for cleaning and televised inspection of several sewer line segments throughout the area. Residents of the area are likely to see short-term transient lane reductions as the contractor moves through the area over the next two months.

The City of Davenport has contracted McClure Engineering Company to smoke test the sanitary sewer lines in areas adjacent to Silver Creek between I80 and Duck Creek beginning the week of July 21, as shown on the map.

Residents in the area will receive an informational notice the week of July 15, and a door hanger will be placed at the property 24 hours before smoke testing in each area within the testing boundaries occurs.

Following are tips and information for residents in the area to be tested.

Why is smoke testing being done?

To locate sewer defects before they become more serious.

Reduce quantity and severity of sewer backups.

Reduce costs of added sewer cleaning and treatment due to defects.

To better understand the sewer connections within the system.

What should residents and businesses know about the testing being done?

Individuals may see smoke coming from the vent stacks on houses or holes in the ground. This indicates a potential defect for further investigation.


The smoke should not enter buildings unless there is defective plumbing or dry drain traps.

Steps To Take to Assist with the Tests and Limit Smoke Inside Buildings

The smoke should not enter into buildings unless leaks or plumbing defects exist. To prevent smoke from rising out of appropriately-connected drains inside your home, please make sure that traps for all basement floor drains and other sink traps and plumbing fixtures are full of water by pouring approximately 24 ounces of water in each drain before the scheduled test.

Smoke may be visible from downspouts (gutters), which means they are connected to the sanitary sewer system, no need to be alarmed.

What if you get smoke in your house?

Should individuals detect smoke in their building, the room should be ventilated through an open window or door. While the smoke is harmless, individuals who believe they might experience irritation of the respiratory system, should leave the area and ventilate well to dissipate the smoke. The smoke is designed to dissipate within 30 minutes, leaving no residue or damage to your belongings.

Individuals should notify the field technicians who are conducting the test should smoke enter their building at the number provided on the door hanger.

While we have no reason to expect difficulties, we want to make impacted individuals aware of upcoming activities. Everyone’s patience and cooperation are very much appreciated.

Questions should be directed to the number listed on the door hanger provided.